colin z

colin z

你我平凡,合力非凡。真诚、自由、成长、利他 ... 推荐好项目,助人达己,帮助你实现财富、健康、时间自由的梦想 ... Ordinary Individuals, Extraordinary Synergy. Sincerity · Freedom · Growth · Altruism. Recommending impactful projects to empower others and ourselves, helping you achieve wealth, health, and time freedom.
AI Translation
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The Four Levels of Earning Money

The four levels of making money, your way of earning money determines your level of wealth... Buffett: If you haven't found a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die! Thinking more at levels 3 and 4 is the long-term approach. Link to learn more,
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